Studying God's Word

Studying God's Word

A scribe opening a Torah scroll

Lay aside what you think you know about the passage:

  • Presuppositions based on things you were taught by others

  • Presuppositions based on what the creeds and confessions state

  • Presuppositions based on what you read in a book 

  • Presuppositions based on language

  • Presuppositions based on what you have assumed about the Bible, and/or the part of the Bible you are reading

Find the scriptures closest to the source:

  • Don’t rely on one translation 

  • Don’t rely on any translation 

  • Refer to the oldest original Greek NT, Hebrew OT and Greek Septuagint texts you can find 

Look at the context:

  • Who wrote it?

  • When was it written?

  • To whom was it written?

  • What type of writing is it (letter, eye-witness account, prophesy, history etc) 

    • Letter

      • What was the historical context of the period in which it was written?

    • Eye-witness account 

      • What was the historical context of the period about which it was written?

    • Prophesy 

      • What was the historical context of the period about which it was written?

    • Historical account

      • What was the historical context of the period about which it was written 

  • What are the main themes?

Let scripture interpret itself: 

What scriptures are quoted in the passage in question? 

Follow this same structure with those passages (lay aside prepositions, go to the source, look at the context, letscripture interpret itself.

What scriptures are referenced in the passage in question? 

Follow this same structure with  those passages (lay aside prepositions, go to the source, look at the context, let scripture interpret itself.

What themes or motifs are used in the passage in question?

What scriptures are those themes or motifs found in?

Follow this same structure with those passages (lay aside prepositions, go to the source, look at the context, let scripture interpret itself.

How are the same words used in other scriptures? 

Follow this same structure with those passages (lay aside prepositions, go to the source, look at the context, let scripture interpret itself. 

If the passage is from the OT:

  • How does the passage point to Christ as its ultimate fulfilment?

  • What scriptures does the passage point to as its fulfilment?

  • What historical events in Bible times fit this fulfilment? 

Jan 12, 2025

Eternal Age of Christ


Eternal Age of Christ


Eternal Age of Christ
