Eternal Age of Christ
Studying the Glorious Finished Work of Jesus The Christ.
We live in the eternal age of Christ in the new heavens and earth, because of the finished work of Christ. All prophesy was fulfilled in Christ’s own generation, including his return in redemption and judgement.
This truth – usually referred to as Full Preterism – is clearly found in the word of God, but almost never taught in churches who favour an alternative Christ to the one found in God’s word.
Why did Christ say he would return in his own generation? Why did the apostles say that it was the last hour, and that the resurrection was about to take place? What few people understand is that this was precisely what God had spoken of from the beginning through Moses and the prophets.
The content of this site is dedicated to sharing the truth of God’s word. The writings here seek to be free of human opinions and doctrines of men, and instead be completely founded upon the writings of the scriptures. These are not the ideas from the writer’s own imagination, but from the one true and living God. If we have been fair in carrying out this goal then the content here will undoubtedly glorify Christ, and bless you in your love and worship of Him.
Please contact us with if this content has helped you. If you wish to challenge the writings here you should contact us stating the truth from the scriptures.
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